Time- and Self-Management

The most effective Techniques – including home office tips

2-days seminar, online or on-site

For up to 14 doctoral and/or postdoctoral researchers*, in German or English

This format can also be specified to either target only doctoral students or postdocs.
Then the content will be further specified to the target audience.

One of the most important skills scientists need next to subject related expertise is the ability to realistically plan and organize their research in the long term - and to effectively structure every single workday. This seminar gives you space to reconsider your existing behavior and to learn about well-proven powerful techniques.


  • Know how to use powerful time planning methods
  • Know how to balance professional and private life
  • Know how to control your inner state using concentration and relaxation techniques
  • Exchange of experiences with other participants


Fundamental requirements for good time management during your research project

  • Making decisions and developing initiative
  • Creating Focus: Is my research topic small enough? What exactly do I want to examine?
  • Self-Motivation: How can I motivate myself on my path? How can I deal with lows?

Strategies for efficient and effective use of time

  • Time planning and the research project: master plan, weekly, and daily planning
  • Setting priorities (Eisenhower Method, Pareto Principle)
  • Finding your balance: research project – job – private life
  • Getting rid of your most severe time-killers
  • How to gain highest concentration
  • Controlling your inner state, e.g. using relaxation techniques

Reflecting your current habits & setting clear goals for improvement


Trainer input; individual, partner, and group work; written and creative focusing exercis-es; relaxation exercises; guided and free sequences in which participants can develop images; brief presentations by participants; group reflection. When done online: highly interactive using zoom technology with a lot of small group work and break-out-sessions.

Exemplary Evaluation

for IGA Freiburg - online
for IGA Freiburg - on-site

Former Participants say


Geballte Zeit für Denkanstöße

Der Tag hat 24 Stunden, daran können wir nichts ändern… Aber die Art und Weise, wie wir diese Zeit nutzen liegt sehr wohl in unserer Hand! Irgendwo zwischen exzessivem Büffeln und Prokrastination liegt die Balance, wie Studenten erfolgreich durch ihr Studium gehen und [...] die Zeit dabei auch genießen können.

Das Seminar von Matthias bietet eine geballte Zeit für Denkanstöße um ebendiese Balance zu finden [...]

Matthias ist die Person, die dir zeigt, was du alles für deine Reise brauchst und dir hilft deinen Rucksack zu packen!

Er erklärt auf eine sehr inspirierende und ermutigende Art bildliche Analogien und Metaphern, die im Gedächtnis bleiben und dich auf deinem Weg begleiten.

[...] Die wichtigsten Lektionen, die ich [...] mitnehme, sind die Kraft der Meditation und die Kontrolle über den inneren Zustand. Schon kurz nach dem Seminar habe ich gelernte Techniken in meinen Alltag integriert und möchte es nicht mehr missen morgens auf meine Tagesliste zu schauen und den Frosch zu bezwingen! 😉

Emely Reinhold , Studentin, Universität Hamburg - 2-tägiges Online Seminar zu Zeit- und Selbstmanagement

A game-changer for me

[...] this class encourages you to take an honest look at your work habits, reflect on your goals, and ultimately help you be more efficient (and staying sane).

A game-changer for me has been to structure my workday according to my biorhythm. I used to feel guilty for not being as productive in the middle of the day and usually tried to force myself to work, which really wasn’t efficient and just led to more feelings of guilt. Matthias’ reminder that it’s natural to have different energy levels throughout the day, but that we should work with them instead against them, made me restructure my day [...]

Matthias is incredibly enthusiastic about his work and also talked about his own experiences and struggles, which [...] made the experience more personal and relatable. [...]

The class was super helpful for me, not necessarily because I learned lots of new things I hadn’t heard about before, but it was Matthias’ way of communicating that encouraged me to reflect and then be consistent in using the tools that I found most helpful.

Lisa Matthias , PhD Student at FU Berlin - participating in a series of 4 web seminars on Time- and Self-Management for Doctoral Candidates (30+ participants)
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